Tickets are now available for THE WEDDING PRESENT at Rock City!
The Wedding Present was born in Leeds, in 1985.
Rising from the ashes of a band called The Lost Pandas, The Wedding Present was assembled by David Gedge [singing & guitar] and Keith Gregory [bass], when they enlisted the services of Peter Solowka [guitar] and Shaun Charman [drums].
The band’s first single – ‘Go Out And Get ’Em, Boy!’ – was released in May 1985 and now shares its title with the first volume of David’s autobiography, in which he describes the early days of playing in and around Leeds.
Since 1985, The Wedding Present have had eighteen UK Top 40 hit singles; not bad for a group that has, from its inception, stubbornly refused to play the record industry’s game. That pioneering spirit has been at the core of the band’s philosophy throughout. From George Best [“an unmitigated delight” (NME)] onwards, the band has charted an appealing, if often eccentric, course of its very own.
For more events, check out our gig guide here.